Family Services
El Grito recognizes parents as their children’s primary teachers and nurturers, we implement strategies to engage parents in their children’s learning and development and support parentchild relationships, including strategies for father engagement. We encourage our parents to attend “Mother Power or Father Power” the first semester of the school year by providing a meal and babysitting. Various trainings provided for our families throughout the school year. This creates a welcoming environment that incorporates the unique cultural, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds of families in the program and community.
We collaborate with families in a family partnership process that identifies needs, interests, strengths, goals, and services and resources that support family well-being, including family safety, health, and economic stability.
Eligibility, recruitment, selection, enrollment and attendance of children. In order to reach those most in need of services, a program must develop and implement a recruitment process designed to actively inform all families with eligible children within the recruitment area of the availability of program services, and encourage and assist them in applying for admission to the program. A program must include specific efforts to actively locate and recruit children with disabilities and other vulnerable children, including homeless children and children in foster care.